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By Rogoff, Kenneth, (Opinion)Sept 30, 2022 – Project Syndicate In response to British Prime Minister Liz Truss’s “mini-budget,” financial markets have sent the pound spinning to its lowest level ...
2022 . 09 30
By Philippe Aghion, Antonin BergeaudTimo Boppart, Peter J. Klenow, Huiyu Li∗Dartmouth Macro SeminarDate Published: Sept 25, 2022AbstractFirm price-cost markups may reflect (a) bigger step sizes from q...
2022 . 09 25
By Kenneth S. Rogoff & Yuanchen YangNBER Working Paper No. 30519 (Sept 2022).Date Published: Sept 2022 AbstractThis paper provides new estimates of the housing stock, construction rates and p...
2022 . 09 22
By Aghion, Philippe, Nicholas Chanut and Xavier JaravelConseil D’analyse Économique No. 90-2022 (Sept 2022).Date Published: Sept 2022
2022 . 09 22
Sept 15, 2022 – Fox Business Former IMF chief economist Kenneth Rogoff issued a harsh assessment of the economy, telling 'Mornings with Maria,' Thursday, that the U.S. is in a productivit...
2022 . 09 15
By Sachs, Jeffrey D. et al.,The Lancet Commissions Vol. 400, Issue 10359 (Sept 2022).Date Published: Sept 14, 2022 SummaryThe Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemi...
2022 . 09 14
By Rogoff, Kenneth,Journal of Economic Perspectives Vol. 36, No. 4 (Fall 2022): pp. 147-166.Date published: Fall 2022During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments of middle-income emerging market economie...
2022 . 09 01
By Abhijit Banerjee, Rema Hanna, Benjamin A. Olken and Diana Sverdlin-LiskerJournal of Economic Literature (Sept 2022).Date Published: Sept 2022Abstract Social protection programs have becom...
2022 . 09 01
By Rogoff, Kenneth S., Barbara Rossi and Paul Schmelzing NBER Working Paper No. 30475 (Sept 2022)Date published: Sept 2022 AbstractTaking advantage of key recent advances in long-run financial an...
2022 . 09 01
Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics
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