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LECTURES IN GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMICS (No. 9)On January 2, 2024, SAGE hosted an online lecture entitled “The Russian Economy in Turbulent Times.” This lecture was presented by Vladimir Popov, Principal...
2024 . 01 02
The 20th International Economic Association (IEA) World Congress was convened in Medellín, Colombia from December 11-15, 2023, where a delegation of researchers from the Society for the Analysis ...
2023 . 12 29
The 20th International Economic Association (IEA) World Congress was convened in Medellín, Colombia from December 11-15, 2023, where a delegation of researchers from the Society for the Anal...
2023 . 12 27
At the 20th International Economic Association (IEA) World Congress held in Medellín, Colombia and hosted by Universidad EAFIT, from December 11-15, 2023, economists gathered together from all ar...
2023 . 12 21
LECTURES IN GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMICS (No. 8)         On October 25, 2023, SAGE hosted an online lecture entitled “Local Chinese government debt: Analyzing its ...
2023 . 10 25
The eleventh volume of the Journal of Government and Economics (JGE) was released in autumn 2023, with articles exploring a variety of topics in the field. Sotirios K. Bellos and Petros Golitsis asses...
2023 . 09 28
This month, the Journal of Government and Economics (JGE), an academic journal edited and published by the Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics (SAGE), was officially accepted as an in...
2023 . 09 11
The tenth volume of the Journal of Government and Economics (JGE) was released in the summer of 2023, with articles exploring a variety of topics in the field. Tianwang Liu proposes a theory to e...
2023 . 08 15
LECTURES IN GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMICS (No. 7)         On June 15, 2023, SAGE hosted an online lecture entitled “Why has the size of government steadily expa...
2023 . 06 15
Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics
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