Conference News
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The second International Conference of Government and Economics, co-hosted by the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University, the Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics (SAGE), and...
2020 . 09 26
By Henry, Emeric, Ekaterina Zhuravskaya and Surgei GurievAmerican Economic Journal: Economic Policy Vol. 14, No. 3 (Aug 2022): pp. 55-86. AbstractUsing an online randomized experiment in the cont...
2020 . 06 01
By Guriev, Surgei and Elias PapaioannouThe Political Economy of Populism, Journal of Economic Literature Vol. 60, No. 3 (Sept 2022): pp. 753-832. AbstractWe synthesize the literature on the recen...
2020 . 03 19
On September 22th, 2019, the “International Symposium on 70 Years of Chinese Economic Development: 1949 -2019” was held. It was organized by the Academic Center for Chinese Economic Practice and Think...
2019 . 09 22
In 'Improving Police Performance in Rajasthan, India: Experimental Evidence on Incentives, Managerial Autonomy, and Training,' published in the American Economic Journal in February 2021, SAGE...
2021 . 10 13
Congratulations to Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka, who have won the best paper award for their paper 'Migration and redistribution: Why the federal governance of an economic union does matter' i...
2021 . 10 12
We are thrilled to announce that in spring 2021, SAGE released the inaugural issue of our official journal, the Journal of Government and Economics (JGE). This journal aims to provide a platform for t...
2021 . 10 11
Welcome to the Third Annual Conference of Government and Economics. Please allow me to take a moment to introduce the basic background of this annual international conference, which is co-sponsored by...
2021 . 06 25
Today I would like to talk about how government can facilitate the growth of an economy. I have experienced multiple transitions in my career, from working in an enterprise, to working in the governme...
2021 . 06 25
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Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics
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