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Sachs, Jeffrey D. and Lisa E. SachsRed Vol 4, Issue 1 (Jan 2022): pp. 143-148.Date Published: Jan 2022 AbstractAccelerating clean energy transitions around the globe is essential to avoid catastr...
2022 . 01 01
ByZhuravskaya, Ekaterina, Surgei Guriev and Andrei Markevich,Journal of Economic Literature (2022) AbstractThis survey discusses recent developments in the growing literature on the Russian econo...
2021 . 12 27
On December 6, 2021, SAGE hosted an online lecture by Professor Ma Guangrong on “Incentives and Risks in Fiscal Decentralization.” The webinar was the fourth event in SAGE's “Lectures in Governmen...
2021 . 12 08
The third volume of the Journal of Government and Economics (JGE) was released in autumn 2021, with articles covering a wide range of topics. Nobel laureate Michael Spence writes on the opportunities ...
2021 . 12 07
On November 3, 2021, SAGE hosted an online lecture by Professor Dani Rodrik on “Managing U.S.-China Economic Conflict.” The webinar was the third event in SAGE's “Lectures in Government and Econom...
2021 . 11 05
We are thrilled to announce that SAGE is now a member of the International Economic Association! This opens up a number of exciting opportunities for collaboration and growth. Stay tuned for informati...
2021 . 10 13
Conversations with three SAGE Academic Committee members—Philippe Aghion, Wendy Carlin, and Nicholas Stern—are featured in this timely new book released through the policy portal of CEPR: 'Capital...
2021 . 10 13
The second volume of the Journal of Government and Economics (JGE) was released in summer 2021, with contributions from world-renowned economists on topics such as the relative usefulness and implicat...
2021 . 10 12
By Sonin, Konstantin and Austin L. WrightThe Economic Journal, Vol. 132, Issue 643 (Apr 2022): pp. 1179-1199.Date Issued: Apr 2022Date Published: Dec 30, 2021 Information operations are considere...
2020 . 12 30
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